The measurements might be the most crucial part of this whole process, but our whole objective was to make getting your clothes custom-made the ideal option for you. Convenience and peace of mind is the name of the game. So with our tried & tested method, all you need is a tape measure, a friend and your phone or tablet.
We don't need to measure you ourselves to get your details 100% accurate. Arrange a video call with us at a time convenient for you & a friend, and we can walk you through each of the measurements we need - live, as you take them. That way we can see the numbers ourselves and essentially you'll be getting measured just as you would by a professional tailor. If you could wear a shirt & trousers that fit well, that would be helpful.
Our tailors would like full length photos of you - front, back and side. With their experience & expertise, seeing your height and body shape on a screen is as good as measuring you in person, because it enables them to get a clear idea of the ratios in your measurements - without even having the numbers to hand! So with the details we've carefully recorded during our video consultation, they can craft your clothes to fit perfectly.
If you like, you can watch this helpful video (upload pending) beforehand for a step-by-step walkthrough of the measuring process with tips from our expert tailors.